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OnyxCeph³™ EDU for education and training

The OnyxCeph³™ software has been used for years at many university orthodontic institutions not only in connection with treatment measures, but also for educational purposes.

In Europe, these include almost all universities in Germany and all in Austria and Switzerland, as well as university clinics in Belgium, Denmark, France, Italy, Croatia, Lithuania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Hungary, and last but not least, the largest such orthodontic training institution in Europe, the Guys and St Thomas Hospital in London.

In addition, the software is frequently used for doctoral studies, research projects and other scientific work, as well as in the context of various long-term courses.

Naturally, against the background of a wide variety of organizational forms and teaching content, there are a large number of scenarios that are desired for optimal use of the software.

Often problematic from a licensing and data protection perspective is the required access to as many of the available diagnostic and planning functions by as many/all students as possible.

Currently, due to the shift from classic courses to various forms of eLearning, the demand for local (decentralized) use outside the university network is playing an increasingly important role.

In order to clearly separate productive and teaching use, many institutions already use a separate (usually virtual) training server with its own license, on which only anonymized data sets or data sets released for this purpose are processed.

Such education servers can then be accessed within the university network with hardware approved for this purpose (e.g., in the computer cabinet or with mobile devices).

However, this requires an infrastructure that cannot be secured in terms of space and IT at all institutions and, even if it can be, can only be used at certain times and by a limited number of students at the same time.

In order to eliminate as many such restrictions as possible and at the same time to enable a flexible, but for Image Instruments as manufacturer also practically manageable, economically justifiable and legally compliant use of the OnyxCeph³™ software for education and training purposes, a special program version OnyxCeph³™ EDU will be offered from 2021. This will enable registered students and course participants to use the software on their private hardware with a single-user license and to the extent required non-commercially for a protective fee of EUR 100 p.a. For this purpose, only each of these personalized single-user licenses must be assigned to an educational institution, which itself uses its own educational license, separate from productive cases.

* Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) *

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en/edu.1637156318.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/11/17 14:38 by onyxadmin