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OnyxCeph³™ News

Even though customer contacts in the past 16 months had to be largely limited to telephone calls, e-mails and online meetings for well-known reasons, this did not stop us from the further development of the OnyxCeph³™ software, which is largely driven by user requests. Below are some comments on current topics that have been and are being worked on in this context:


Due to the increasing use of intraoral scanners, there is an increased interest in direct and easy to configure interfaces for scan import. To meet these requirements, several new interface options (for iTero, medit, CS3X00 and Trios, among others) have been implemented in recent months. For the portals MyiTero and MeditLink these interfaces can already be used in the current Softwarerelease 3.2.157.

Module Retainer

Starting with the upcoming release, there will be a direct interface for the retainer bending machine YOAT Bender 1 in the Retainer 3D module and a corresponding extension to the virtual round wire design.

Module Digitize 2D

Also available in the upcoming release will be an option to send cephalometric side images in the Evaluation module to the CellmatiQ service portal for AI-based retrieval and adoption of cephalometric fiducial locations in the image.\

Module Segmentation

The Segmentation module has been fundamentally revised and now makes it possible to identify, separate and complete individual teeth even more reliably and quickly. It is now also possible to readjust crown segments after they have already been completed. These features can already be tested in the current version via activation and will be available as standard from the next release.

Modules V.T.O.3D and Aligner

The planning modules Virtual Setup and Aligner have also been enhanced with additional features. This concerns in the module V.T.O.3 D module the new options to take oover an interpolated treatment situation as treatment goal and table Movement Data Mandible, and in the Aligner 3D module, in addition to a Facelift of the Attachments and Timeline panels, the Options for automated trimming and labeling of aligner series, as well as production-oriented processing after serial export, among other things.

Module FA_Bonding

Since the user must always consider the desired target alignment of the relevant crown in the dental arch when placing brackets relative to the actual situation, additional numerical and visual control options have been implemented in the module FA_Bonding to make it easier to find and evaluate the optimal position.

Module Bonding Trays 3D

In collaboration with 3M, an IBT design option specifically tailored to APC™ Flash-Free™ Brackets was developed, integrated and tested in the Bonding Trays Module.


Finally, new OpenGL shaders have been developed to, among other things, render textured tooth and soft tissue surfaces more realistically and optimize view options such as highlight, brightness, and blur based on the situation.

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en/dtat2107.1628600039.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/08/10 14:53 by onyxadmin