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Scan Import Carestream

As of release OnyxCeph³™ 3.2.157 (438) and CS Dental Imaging 8.1.12, direct scan data import of 3D scans from Carestream Dental Imaging is supported.
This is a mix of VDDS-based and internal interface: The patient data is transferred to Carestream Dental Imaging via VDDS (PVS) - for this, it must be running Carstream VDDS server at the local workstation. The import of scan data is done via the preset storage path of the calling VDDS partner via the internal interface.

Settings Carestream

Settings OnyxCeph³™

Scan Import Workflow

1. Select patient in OnyxCeph³™ \\. 2. Open module Add 3D image
3. In the Source panel, select the [Carestream] tab
4. Import scan data with [import model] button and classify according to the known workflow, align patient-related and process further

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en/csdiimport.1634898399.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/10/22 12:26 by onyxadmin