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Scan-Repair: Automatically repeated until Repair completed

For automatic scan repair, several users have been asking for an option "repeat until completed".
In addition, the fact that the automatic scan repair is not applied to hidden objects (like the upper/lower malocclusion in a segmented model that needs to be repaired for 3D-export) required additional effort.
Finally, some users would like to see a warning in case of remaining defects.

Therefore, since releases 3.2.126+, a context menu was added to the [Repair] button.

Repeat: X
Default is X=0; if repair is completed for X<0, the process is stopped.
Note: There might be situations which cannot be repqied completely.

Select All
Repairs all objects ignoring their activation in the object list. Note: Standard: on

Display Warning
Shows warning when module is closed despite remaining mesh defects (Standard: off).
Note: Option might avoid to exit module.

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en/5578.1569400903.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/09/25 10:41 by onyxadmin