Table of Contents
Module Adjust Image 3D
In module Adjust Image 3D, imported 3D data sets can be topologically analyzed/edited and aligned to the skelettal patient. Topological analysis and repair [Automatic Scan Repair] includes finding and (if possible) repairing faulty surface meshes. If necessary, further manual scan repairs can be selected and applied.
In addition, there are options for editing bitmap or vertex textures, adding, rearranging, deleting, decomposing and merging subobjects, re-meshing, and customizing the object view.
When importing volume datasets, you can use a quick raytracing preview to first determine the intensity value for extracting one or more surfaces using the MarchingCube algorithm.
First Steps (Example Dental Scan)
- Check and repair dataset using the panel "Scan Repair" with all options enabled
- If needed, correct bigger errors (e.g. large holes) using the manual scan repair
- Align the dataset as described in the view captions
- Align the dataset according to the occlusal plane of panel "Occlusogram"
- Save finding
Module user interface
en/adjust_image_3d.txt · Last modified: 2023/03/09 15:12 by onyxadmin