Table of Contents

2D Analysis Selection

  1. Make sure you have assigned the correct image type for the active image in module Add Image 2D.
  2. Open module Digitize 2D via thumbnail context menu or by the corresponding icon button on top of tab |Images/2D Data|.
  3. Preselect the desired analyses for the active tracing type from the analyses list by browse button […] top right in panel Analysis in module Digitize 2D.
  4. Select the analysis to be displayed numerically in the result list and graphically in the 2D View panel from the Analysis pulldown [▼].

Landmark List

In the landmark panel, the superset of all landmarks will be listed required for

Result List

In the resultat list, all measurements will be displayed by name, norm and result value belonging to the analysis actively selected in the pulldown list.


In the 2D View panel, the tracing will be displayed belonging to the analysis actively selected in the pulldown list.