Template Editor

Getting Started

(1) Open empty (new) or existing (selected) print template in print editor, 

You can do so also via main menu [Options|Systemoptions] on tab |Print|. If you open the editor from the main window directly by icon button [Print], the selected patient and finding is used for the edito-internal previews.

(2) Add or select a print object,

(3) Assign print object position,

 ... by moving the print object with mouse drag&drop - 
 or by changing the numerical position values (top/left) in the Properties dialog on the right

(4) Print object size

 ... by moving the print object border with mouse drag&drop - 
 or by changing the numerical position values (bottom/right) in the Properties dialog on the right

(5) Print object properties

 ... by assigning/changing the related propertiy in the Properties dialog on the right

(6) And/or edit objects like text fields and tables by doubleclick.

(7) Finally, save the new/modified template by a unique name before closing tzhe editor.