Table of Contents

Image Type List 2D

Image Type List 2D Image Type List 3D

In OnyxCeph³™ several pre-defined 2D image types can be used to classify imported patient images. By classifying the imported image with an image type, specific properties are assigned to the imported image which can be useful for its further processing in the software. All available 2D image types are assigned to categories

and can be activated, deactivated and customized by menu item Options|System Options on Tab 2D Image Types .

The image type Code can be used in the Command Line Interface (CLI) to specify the type of images passed.
In addition, the codes are used in OnyxQuery.

Category Image

Icon Name Name for Code Code
Frontal PhotoFrontal PF
Frontal Open PhotoFrontalOpen PFO
Frontal Smile PhotoFrontalSmile PFS
Lateral Right PhotoLateralRight PLR
Lateral Open Right PhotoLateralRightOpen PLRO
Lateral Open Smile PhotoLateralRightSmile PLRS
Lateral Left PhotoLateralLeft PLL
Lateral Open Left PhotoLateralLeftOpen PLLO
Lateral Open Smile PhotoLateralLeftSmile PLLS
Oblique Right PhotoObliqueRight POR
Oblique Open Right PhotoObliqueRightOpen PORO
Oblique Smile Right PhotoObliqueRightSmile PORS
Oblique Left PhotoObliqueLeft POL
Oblique Open Left PhotoObliqueLeftOpen POLO
Oblique Smile Left PhotoObliqueLeftSmile POLS
No Type NoType 2D NO2D
Bottom View PhotoFrontalSMV PFSMV
Nose Mouth PhotoFrontalNoseMouth PFNM
Nose PhotoFrontalNose PFN
Frontal Mouth Relaxed PhotoFrontalMouthRelaxed PFMR
Frontal Mouth Wide Open PhotoFrontalMouthWideOpen PFMWO
Crown PhotoCrown PC
User 1 USER1 US1
User 2 USER2 US2
User 3 USER3 US3
User 4 USER4 US4
User 5 USER5 US5
User 6 USER6 US6
User 7 USER7 US7

Category X-Ray

Icon Name Name for Code Code
Lateral Ceph (left) XRayCephalogramLeft XRCL
Lateral Ceph XRayCephalogramRight XRCR
Panoramic XRayPanoramic XRPAN
PA Ceph XRayCephalogramPostAnt XRCPA
AP Ceph XRayCephalogramAntPost XRCAP
Left Hand XRayHandLeft XRHL
Handröntgen (rechts) XRayHandRight XRHR
Teeth XRayTeeth XRTT
Tooth 1 XRayTooth1 XRT1
Tooth 2 XRayTooth2 XRT2
Tooth 3 XRayTooth3 XRT3
Tooth 4 XRayTooth4 XRT4
Tooth 5 XRayTooth5 XRT5
Tooth 6 XRayTooth6 XRT6
Tooth 7 XRayTooth7 XRT7

Category Intraoral

Icon Name Name for Code Code
Anterior Occlusion IntraOralOcclusionAnterior IOOA
Anterior Occlusion Relaxed IntraOralOcclusionAnteriorRelaxed IOOAR
Anterior Occlusion Wide Open IntraOralOcclusionAnteriorWideOpen IOOAWO
Right Occlusion IntraOralOcclusionRight IOOR
Left Occlusion IntraOralOcclusionLeft IOOL
Upper Occlusal IntraOralMaxillaOcclusal IOMAXO
Lower Occlusal IntraOralMandibulaOcclusal IOMANDO
Overjet Right IntraOralOverjetRight IOOJR
Overjet Left IntraOralOverjetLeft IOOJL

Category Model

Icon Name Name for Code Code
Cast Occlusion Upper CAstMaxillaOcclusal CAMAXO
Cast Occlusiion Lower CAstMandibulaOcclusal CAMANDO
Cast Anterior CAstAntDental CAAD
Cast Buccal right CAstBuccalRight CABR
Cast Bukkal left CAstBuccalLeft CABL
Cast Deciduous CAstDeciduous CAD
Cast Mixed CAstMixed CAM
Cast Permanent CAstPermanent CAP