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FAQ Attachments wechseln


I have a question about planning in Onyx. Is it possible to change and remove the attachments in the treatment for different teeth as well as to plan a gradual distalization or movement. With this I mean for example first an attachment on 22 and movement within the splint 1-4, then change attachment on 21 and movement from 21 to end position and then again change attachment on 11 and move this tooth, then change attachment etc. …


If you take the existing points, the attachments are changed over all steps. Therefore you have to create new points for changing attachments and if necessary delete some for attachments to be removed.

Example: Planning of steps 1-4 with as usual. In step 5, one must delete then not the attachment, but the whole point from the list. This can also be copied to other / following steps via the right-click menu of the attachment list (with the entry "Copy to …"). - When adding a new attachment (e.g. also in step 5 because it should actually be an attachment change) you have to create a new point there via the right-click menu and place it on the correct tooth.

If you constantly need single attachments for only a few aligner steps, it might be clearer to empty the point list initially in step 1 and then only have to add new points.